Spencer Bauman
Spencer Bauman was born and raised in McMinnville, OR. He graduated in 2010 from McMinnville High School. He is transfering to the University of Montana next fall where he will be studying English Literature in hopes of teaching English at a high school level. Spencer has always enjoyed writing fiction and has been since a young age. Spencer's major influences in his writing are Charles Bukowski, JRR Tolkien, and Kurt Vonnegut. He is going to continue to keep writing short stories in hopes of making it into a popular national journal. In his freetime, Spencer enjoys fishing, golfing, watching hockey, collecting books, and reading.

Bridget Conklin
Bridget Conklin graduated from Chemeketa in the summer of 2011. She currently attends Western Oregon University where she has fallen in love with her German language courses and aspires to major in English with a focus in Linguistics. Now 21, she’s excited to see what adventures life has in store for her. No matter where she goes or what she does, she always returns to her first and greatest passion—writing.
Carly M. Miller
Carly Miller is a stay-at-home mother of 3 who has been writing poetry for more years than should be counted. She has only recently begun writing fiction and is trying to make it a habit. She is currently enrolled at Chemeketa Community College, and taking every class that looks “interesting.”