Clarence Barela
Clarence Barela will be entering his final term at Chemeketa in the Fall. He enjoys sleeping and writing about himself in the third-person. He lives in Salem, Oregon with his future-wife.

Jacob Davis
Jacob Davis is a second-year student at Chemeketa with plans to study literature and philosophy in the near future. He writes short stories, poems, and essays. He says he's working on something that may resemble a novel, but such has yet to be seen. Above all things he is a bibliophile, and hoards books at a much faster pace than he hoards shelves on which to store them. Jacob lives in Salem, Oregon with his wife, where he spends his time avoiding large crowds.
Michael O'Ryan
Michael is a student currently working on poetry, short stories, and his first screenplay. You can usually find him out in the woods or at the local indie theater.
Nathan Soltz

Nathan is a 19-year-old from Medford, Oregon, where he was born and raised. He moved to Salem to go to college as a double-major in Politics and Philosophy and work at the capitol with his State Senator. Nathan's goal is to become a civil rights attorney. He is actively involved in politics and was recently elected to go to the Democratic National Convention for Hillary Clinton as the youngest delegate in Oregon's history. Beyond politics, in his free time (of which he has little), he plays saxophone, fences, drives his beloved Saab, reads Mark Leyner novels and typically doesn't like to use the Oxford comma. "Symphony No. 1 in F Minor" was his first real venture into fiction writing and now he won't stop.