Anna King
Anna King received her ASOT and AAOT from Chemeketa in the summer of 2013 before transferring to Oregon State University. She has been most inspired by the works of Ayn Rand and Kurt Vonnegut. Anna looks forward to majoring in Economics, minoring in Political Science, and revisiting her love for competitive speaking at OSU. She enjoys photography in her spare time.

Joshua Likens
I was born in Germany but moved to the U.S. before the age of 1. I spent some time living in Texas but eventually moved to Oregon by the time I was five and have been in Oregon ever since. I am currently attending Chemeketa Community College taking general courses and by the end of my time at Chemeketa I should have my EMT Basic 1 certificate and an associates in general studies. I enjoy writing poetry but my passion is music. I also enjoy sports, philosophy, and the occasional video game. Some inspirations in my life include: nature, George Carlin, my cats (whom I found on campus property when they were three weeks old, no joke), and my friends and family. Once school is done I plan on working for a couple years and hopefully get into classes at either PSU or U of O.

Nikki Lynn
Nikki Lynn was born at the Indian hospital in Talihina, Oklahoma and a proud member of the Muskogee Creek Nation. She has been an avid reader and writer for 39 years. Nikki has made the Willamette Valley her home since 1968. She is a 47 year old single grandmother raising her grandson and his dog Sally Jones. She is working toward her AAOT at OSU for Liberal Studies with a Writing minor. Nikki hopes to author children's literature, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Meanwhile, she is working toward freelancing while she edits copy.

Brittany Newman
Brittany Newman is an avid bibliophile. She's been creating imaginative tales since she was a little girl. Writing is her solace, her serenity. To her, words are inherently magical. She has been influenced by talented writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, O. Henry, George Orwell, Rod Serling, and Diana Wynne Jones. She hopes to be a full-fledged author one day. She has attended Chemeketa for two years, and will be attending for a third in the fall. She has not decided on a career path yet, but she knows that whatever she chooses, writing will still be her first love.

Roxanne Ruiz
Roxanne Ruiz, goes by Roxy, was born in Portland, OR and over the years has been raised across the west coast including Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and Utah. For the last 16 years, of her 30 on this earth, she has lived somewhere between Salem and Portland. She is a mother of three very active boys and volunteer coaches basketball, baseball, and soccer through out the year for her sons' teams. She is currently pursuing her AAOT with CCC and has plans to transfer to Eastern Oregon University to major in English with a concentration in writing. Roxy has been writing poetry, short stories, and just making up crazy ideas for books and films since she could put pen to paper. She is currently working on a young adult novel series, a chapbook, a children's picture book series, and taking her first act project from her WR262 class and turning into a complete screenplay.

Sarah Spoon
Sarah searched far and wide to find a school for mutants where she could refine her superpowers. Alas, none exist. Instead, she joined the Wine Marketing program. She believes that kindness is the only measure by which people should judge and that popcorn is the butterfly of the snack food kingdom. She hopes one day to expend her 15 minutes of fame with a sensational story on CNN.