Patrick McDonough |
Whitney Winters |
Patrick McDonough moved to Oregon from Texas two years ago. He is a full time student at Chemeketa. He has been writing for three years. His influences include Henry Miller, J.D Salinger and T.S. Elliot. |
Whitney Winters is 20 years old and plans to attend Focus on the Family Institute in the fall. |
Kristen Storer |
Amy Short |
"Thanks to Jan for your enthusiasm and encouragement in your class!" Kristen Storer is a mother of two teenagers who recentrly returned to school. She is currently completing a speech/language pathology degree and a transfer degree to OSU. One on her sons who has autism and ADHD has enabled her to meet many great kids and many more that need help. Kristen would like to work in the field of special education when finished with her education. She is an avid reader, with a recent interest in poetry. Kristen took Jan VanStaven's poetry class to open herself to more creativity in her reading and writing. |
Amy has been a student at Chemeketa for several years and is planning to pursue a career in healthcare. When she was young, Amy was encouraged to write by her grandmother Margei, whom she credits for her love of books and creative writing. |